brainstorm page
story structure:
-bike on street getting puncture
-bike needs to go to bike repair shop
-in the bike repair shop
-bike repaired
-biking happily ever after
we don't know yet how much pages we will have but i thought i make some extra pages for possible chapters already and there we can put directly our thoughts where they belong.
for now if u want to play with it:
there is a single click in the white field to make a textblock and to upload a link or picture (designing content a single page)
double click gives you more options for arrangement all round pages (renaming url and pagename, , ackground color, ruler, list of all pages and so on)
but i will be a bit online so just skype me
link to bike-repaired
link to bikeshop
link to excident
if you want to click the links on this page to go to the other pages, you have to get out of the edit mode (erase edit in the url)